Effective Altruism: Giving in Crypto


Join us on December 22nd at 5PM PST (01:00 UTC, 09:00 SG/HK) as the CEO of FTX, Sam Bankman-Fried, Founder of Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin, and Managing Partner at Dragonfly Capital, Haseeb Qureshi will be getting together before the holidays to share their views on giving in crypto, Effective Altruism, and their work in the space.

In the spirit of giving, Sam, Vitalik and Haseeb will each be personally donating $50,000 to a charity of the community’s choosing. They have each selected one of their favorite charities, and will let Twitter vote which charity will be the recipient of the pooled $150,000 donation. Follow us on Twitter so you don’t miss the poll!

At December 22nd at 5PM PST (01:00 UTC, 09:00 SG/HK), the Twitter poll will be finalized, and the panelists will make their donations to the winning charity to kick off the event. In addition, we welcome you to donate with us to these charities and will have a link to donate on the event’s page.

It’s been a great year for the crypto industry. In the midst of celebrating all-time highs, it’s important that we as a community do our part and pay it forward. Sam, Vitalik, and Haseeb all organize their giving according to the philosophy of effective altruism. Effective altruism is an impact-focused approach to charity, using high-quality evidence and rigorous reasoning to determine how to improve the world as much as possible. It is also a community of people taking these questions seriously, by focusing on the most promising solutions to the world’s most pressing problems.

Sam Bankman Fried started his career at Jane Street in 2014 with the aim of donating six figures a year. He then went on to found Alameda Research and FTX with the goal of donating the money earned to the world’s most effective charities. FTX, its affiliates, and its employees have donated over $10M to help save lives, prevent suffering, and ensure a brighter future. He works closely with Effective Altruism, Give Well, The Human League, and Open AI.

Sam’s chosen charity is the Nuclear Threat Initiative (earmarking for Biosecurity). The Nuclear Threat Initiative works to reduce long-term threats from nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons by developing solutions, raising awareness, and educating governments and world leaders.

Vitalik Buterin is the cofounder of Ethereum and was an early adopter of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. He has written extensively about donating to charities and became an active donor starting in 2018.

Vitalik’s chosen charity is the SENS Foundation. The SENS Foundation develops and promotes therapies that combat aging and aging-related diseases. The SENS Foundation is redefining the way the world researches and treats age-related ill health, with the long-term goal of finding disruptive research projects to mitigate or reverse senescence.

Haseeb Qureshi is a managing partner at Dragonfly Capital, a global crypto VC fund. He has been “earning-to-give” since 2015 and donates 33% of his pre-tax income to high-impact charities each year.

Haseeb’s chosen charity is the Against Malaria Foundation. The Against Malaria Foundation is a global charity that provides insecticidal nets to populations at high risk of malaria, primarily in Africa. The Against Malaria Foundation has been ranked one of the most cost-effective Givewell charities since 2015, and is estimated to save a life for every ~$4000 donated.

Follow us here @Effect_Altruism and get involved!



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